Growing up, my mother was obsessed with healthy eating. Lots of fresh veggies and fruit, and pretty much our only "junk food" was peanut butter. All of our sandwiches were made with 100% whole wheat bread, and I only had Wonder white bread when visiting my friends' homes (something about how it stuck to the roof of my mouth seemed so decadent).
In order to indulge in other junk food goodness, I remember jumping on my banana seat bike (super cool, BTW), and pedaling up to the local gas station to spend a bit of my babysitting money on Hostess cupcakes or chocolate pudding pies.
These memories came back to me when hearing all the hubub over Hostess filing for bankruptcy back in January. I imagine that plenty of kids back in the 1970's buried Hostess Twinkies and other treats in time capsules, and the plastic-like goodness will surely still be edible when they're dug up 100 years from now! Until then, and to help satisfy your Hostess yen, I've been stitching up Retro Revival Hostess-inspired cupcake aprons:

I have so much fun sewing these aprons. They're almost as yummy as the real thing.

They elicit lots of smiles, and occassionally I'll receive photos from happy customers. Here's Michelle:

Captain Project won't wear one of my cupcake aprons but enjoys sampling the photo props:

Do you have Hostess memories? Do share and you're automatically entered to win this month's blog giveaway:

I have so much fun sewing these aprons. They're almost as yummy as the real thing.

They elicit lots of smiles, and occassionally I'll receive photos from happy customers. Here's Michelle:

Captain Project won't wear one of my cupcake aprons but enjoys sampling the photo props:

Do you have Hostess memories? Do share and you're automatically entered to win this month's blog giveaway:

Drawing is 3/31 ~ good luck!

Cindy, your mom's name wasn't Sharon was it? My mother was the exact same way. No fruit loops for us. Cheerios if we were lucky. No coke or Kool aid. Iced tea. This is the sweetest calorie free apron. You did a beautiful job. Smiles...Renee
ZINGERS were my favorite : )
LOL! I love the sugar shaker. When I lived in Germany I bought one just like it at the corner Comet grocery store. I wonder where mine went? =D
What sweet memories to go with your sweet apron! My mother didn't buy many junk foods when I was a kid either so I probably never had a snack cake until I was a teenager. But it was love at first bite!
Hi Cindy, I love your sense of humor girl! The apron is so darn cute and I love the inspiration that helped you create it. Now, don't be angry at me, but my mom cooked wonderful meals, but we always had goodies. She also bought us whatever ceral we liked. She was kind of a softie. Guess that's where I got it from. I have never liked choc. cupcakes or twinkies, but I did like a vanilla Zinger now and then. They are especailly yummy slightly frozen. Haven't eaten one in years. I guess you can tell I am not a chocolate girl. Oh except, I like chocolate aprons. lol! Mr. project seems to be very happy to get rid of the evidence. I am hosting my first linky party and I would love if you shared this or another post. Thanks for making me smile!
Those aprons are super cute (especially the one with the bottom ruffle!) I hope you have some at the Pie Festival next month!
I always loved twinkies and zingers. I actually developed a "healthy" Hostess cupcake recipe and Twinkie recipe that tastes really good!
I loved Hostess myself! Wish I had one now :)
The aprons are adorable! Just too cute!
We didn't have twinkies and zingers here but we had plenty of other yummy cakes ;-) Lovely aprons. dee x
What, Captain Project ate the prop?That's O.K. your aprons are a lot cuter than the Hostess cupcake.
Your cupcake inspired apron is so cute! Remember ding dongs, twinkies and those pink snowballs? I had one of those snowballs recently and it wasn't as tasty as I remember from childhood. Hope you're having a great day Cindy.
Hello Cindy,
I love this post, reading it bought back memories of my banana seat bike and riding up to the corner store for Hostess cupcakes. In the 70’s, I enjoyed riding my bike for hour after hour around the neighbor with my sister and girlfriends. My favorite childhood treat was Hostess cupcakes to, my Mom would let me bring them on a field trip as a special treat. Love the apron, nice work. :o)
Smiles, Paula
Hee Hee you are going to die laughing at my memories of Twinkies! My grandfather used to go to the bakery to get day old bread and out of date pasties to feed the hogs. He would buy it by the pickup truck full. As soon as he got home we would jump in the back and start pulling out the Twinkies. We didn't care if they were out of date! We hid them from Grandma (who would only let us have one per WEEK) and would sneak to the barn to eat them!
I LOVE the aprons, they are so fun!
and yes...I love hostess cupcakes, and twinkies, but twinkies don't taste the same anymore...
My mom would pack twinkies in our lunch. Your apron it so cute and yummy.
I love your aprons and I love, love, love your blog! I just stumbled across it; there is so much to explore! I also love, and collect, aprons, vintage and vintage inspired ones. I did a recent blog post about it.
I have to admit it I have never eaten a Hostess Cupcake!! The aprons are just darling!
The apron is deliciously lovely! As a kid, my mom would occasionally surprise me with a Twinkie in my lunch...that was a special treat to have! I loved twinkies so much that I named a cat after it.
Oh boy! I love those Hostess inspired aprons! And yes, I so remember getting an occasional treat in my lunchbox; either a Twinkie or Ho Hum! Yummy stuff!
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