I haven't left the house in days. Been sewing like a fiend.
As I came down from showering yesterday morning Captain Project asks me (in a very excited tone), "Where you going?" I say, "No where, why?" He answers, "Well you're not wearing your sweats. You look nice."
Note: I was wearing a crappy, old pair of jeans and an even crappier, wrinkled long sleeved tshirt.
Guess it's time for a fashion intervention.
In my defense, it's been really cold here in Florida! Three nights of near-freezing temps and daytime highs only in the low 60's ~ super cold for us thin-blooded types!
Really, who doesn't like sweats?!

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I'm sweating it out right now.
There's no other way to be when you're in the creating mode.....comfy is where it's at!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
Sweet husbands are such a blessing. Glad you're getting a lot of creative work done. Stay warm!
Hey Cindy,
My sister just got back from visiting Florida and said she was freezing out there. We've had a bit of wet recently, but we're getting back into the 70's this week....supposed to be 77 by Thursday....we'll see. I happen to think you look quite fantastic in sweats.
Now wait a stinking minute...you only wear those full skirts! You have ruined it for me. High heels and pearls every day. Full makeup and all even when you clean the toilets!
So glad I am not the only one sporting the comfort of grey and warmth....smiles...Renee
That is too funny! I do understand wanting to be comfortable. When dressing in jeans is considered an upgrade is a little bad, But I feel the same way some times. Ha ha. My son told me yesterday... Mom why are you wearing that old orange t-shirt. It make your hair and skin look a weird color?... I am thinking what kind of fashion statement am I making when my 12 year old son intervenes! I did look pretty shabby and not very chic!! He means well! And your husband was so kind to compliment rather than complain. Good for him!
HAHAHAHA! Low 60's. Cold. Now THAT, my friend, is funny stuff! It's in the low 50's here today and we are all in t-shirts because it's warmer than it has been for a bit and we are LOVING it! The singe digits last week were a bit chilly, though. I hope you are enjoying the leisurely lifestyle of sewing! Sounds like fun and it looks like it is good for you, too! :-)
Nothing wrong with that...sweats were made for winter! LOL ;D
I totally hear ya! I've been in pj's/sweats for about a week and a half now. Finally put on real clothes and went out shopping today! It felt good to get out!
While out, I bought some pink gingham flannel and some green gingham flannel to use with my minky chenille to make homemade burp rags with. Pre-washing now! Can wait to start sewing!!!
I don't really "get dressed" when I am busy sewing and it is cold outside either.
I actually don't own any sweats, being "hot" natured, but have my fair share of grungy, ratty jeans that I live in on weekends! Along with that very favorite, holey, t shirt that I love!
LOVE the grey sweats...personally I prefer 2 piece pj's to drift about in...but sweats work too!
I just had to chuckle when I read your post! I need you to come over and teach me how to sew. My hubby gave me an embroidery machine for Christmas and I have yet to turn it on!
This is sooo me with the sweats on! I wear mine around the house all winter. My husband never complains thank goodness!
are we married to the same guy? Same thing happened last week when I took a shower!
I like your home style. Just like mine :)
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