Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rx for a Rainy Day {Upcycled Apron}

It's been raining here in Florida.  For days now.

Thankfully, I received a Retro Revival order for one of my upcycled men's shirt aprons.

Green and white gingham, embellished with eyelet, daises, and a bit of ric rac.

The perfect anecdote for a gloomy day!

Click here for my previous post on how to easily make this.

Hope you have a sunny day!


Colleen said...

Adorable! At our shop we had purchased a bunch of men's shirts at the local Salvation Army to have a project for young ladies to upcycle and make into a skirt or apron or purse...anything. We only had a couple of people sign up so it was canceled and we donated the shirts back to the store. What a shame that was because we so wanted to get the young ones interested in sewing!
Maybe we could purchase some again and have a fun class making these? Would you mind if I used your pattern for that?
Thanks, Colleen

Missy Shay said...

I love the daisies, it is the perfect touch!

Mimos da Claralú! said...

This is very beautiful!!! I like so much the daisies...

RetroSandie said...

Very pretty with the daisies and green gingham and eyelet!!! Nice combination - who would guess it was a man's shirt??!!!!

Julie Harward said...

You are so clever and this is so so cute!!! :)

Donna said...

Oh, I love it! Very sunny and cheerful :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh my goodness, be still my heart... I see green gingham, ric-rac and daisies!! Love!