Thursday, July 25, 2013

Easy Corn On The Cob Tips

Don't you just love sweet, summertime corn?  But making it can be a bit of a mess.
Until recently, I always shucked it and then either boiled it on the stove (where the water seems to take forever to boil) or grilled it (often over- or under-cooking it).
Someone told me about a super easy way to cook and shuck corn.  All you do is place your corn cobs directly on your top oven rack (husks and all ~ absolutely no prep work) and turn the oven on to 350 (don't preheat the oven) and bake for 30 minutes.
Remove your corn from the oven and cut about and inch off the bottom like this:
Then squeeze the corn out of the husk (kinda like a giant tube of toothpaste):
Walah!  The corn comes out of the husk with virtually no silk!  How easy is this?!
Now, in other corn cob news...Have you ever met Butter Boy?
He's a brilliant little guy ~ holds the butter so that you can expertly cover your corn.  No butter dish mess!
Two solutions to some of life's hassles.  Happy I could share these with you!


  1. What a fantastic solution! I will give it a try. And butter boy is so cute... I just love saying his name. hehe

    Amy Jo

  2. this is clever.
    We've done this on the grill (top rack) ...but was told to soak it first next time.
    Do you need to soak the corn in water first?
    I like the little butter boy.
    Tupperware used to have something similar with a handle on it a place for butter, and a place for salt and pepper!
    handy gadgets!!! Pat

  3. now THAT is something to be excited about!! Thanks for the corny tip hahaha!! The Guest room looks oh-so pretty ~ where do we make reservations ~ lol!! Just wanted to let you know that those discs on the back usually work out wonderful...but sometimes they pop right off ~ so be careful of the plates you put on ~ we had a couple fall and break :( I don't know what made them do it...just beware!! Do enjoy your weekend Cindy ~ we're off to do some SHOPPING via fleas & markets :) almost as good as that corn~ hehehee!!

  4. What time is dinner Saturday? We'll bring the adult beverages!

    Love corn! Great tips!

  5. Excellent tip, can't wait to try it this weekend!

  6. I just happen to have corn on the cob coming up for either dinner tonight or for our camping trip this coming weekend........I just might try these methods. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Ah, now you had to go and show me Butter Boy - as if I don't have enough butter "issues." *grins*

  8. Oh, what a neat idea! I have a way that is really almost the same except I dunk them in water and then place them in the microwave and cook in the husk for about 5 minutes for one and about 12 min for 4, they are really good, too! I like your butter boy! He is also, cute!! I am going to try the baked corn on the cob when I make some oven fried chicken and then throw in some baked potatoes!! Wow, it will really be a multi tasking oven!! Love it!1Thank you.

  9. That looks like a very easy process. And butter boy is cute to boot.

  10. Just tried my first baked corn...I don't think I'll make it any other way from now on. Thanks for the tip, it's great!
