Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Styling Coffee Table

While the snow piles are still frozen outside, I decided to fashion my own snowy vignette in our living room.

Some of my white hobnail atop a silver platter...

...A cup or so of Epsom salts...

...Makes for a bit of snowy sparkle.

Putting this together was like a grown-up version of playing in the snow.  And it smells nice because of the lavender-scented Epsom.

Hope you have a sparkly day and that you're keeping warm.


  1. That is so pretty. My crackhead cats would have all of it everywhere so I'll just enjoy yours as i sit and await snow here in NC.

  2. What a pretty setting! I wish I could get you to my house to help me decorate! LOL although I know my cats would throw the epsom salts everywhere!

  3. I LOVe it!
    It is so wintery and just lovely.
    I love the snow and I am so glad we are getting it for the 2nd time in a month here in
    Virginia, which is not the norm for us!
    I am such a winter type gal :)

  4. Beautiful! It's been so dry in CA. I've been missing the snow!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  5. Beautiful! forgot all about epsom salts.

  6. So beautiful! I used epsom salt yo create snow in mason jars! ;) xo Heather

  7. I like how you embracing the season!

  8. Love white hobnail! I have a small collection. Cute, cute!
